
Learning through play is the best way to prepare for kindergarten!!!
2.5/3 – 5 years


Preschool is a magical time in a child’s development, when they can learn anything through play. They utilize their developmental foundation from infants and toddlerhood, and thrive as natural scientists.

They question everything, and learn from their mistakes. Their need for independence strengthens, as their minds expand and the world is a place of unbounding opportunities. They build long lasting relationships with peers and teachers, that continue their thriving expansion into their learning journey. We structure our preschool classrooms slightly differently. We maintain small class sizes 1:8 while also offering a larger quantity of materials and peers. Our preschool rooms are connected by a “tunnel” that allows all our preschool friends to interact, play and learn together.

Each class has a “homeroom” with their teach and core class, but are able to interact with a teaching team, larger variety of friends, and a larger variety of materials. Our preschool program is designed to provide the best social-emotional, cognitive, physical, and self-care development. We utilize the mixed age play times to help younger ones learn from peers, and older ones feel confident.

Teachers observe their daily growth using the Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ) and Highscope Key Development Indicators, and help you understand their growth and next steps. These measurements also help our teachers, as they guide each child, individually. Learning through play helps us care for kids of all ages, and meet them at their own level. We measure kindergarten readiness through each child’s social emotional skills, personal care skills, as much as their cognitive skills, so they are prepared to take on the world, starting with kindergarten.

Preschool HighScope Curriculum


Other Important Aspects of our Preschool Care

Typical Daily Schedule

6:30am –8:20am Arrival/Choice Time

8:20am to 8:35am Clean Up

8:35am – 8:45am Bathroom

8:50am – 9:05m Large Group

9:10am – 9:30am Breakfast

9:30am – 9:40am Clean Up

9:40am- 9:50am Message Board

9:55am – 10:00am Planning

10:00am – 10:45am Worktime

10:45am – 10:55am Clean Up

11:00am – 11:05am Recall

11:05am -11:20am Small Group

11:20am – 11:30am Bathroom

11:30am – 12:10pm Outside

12:10pm – 12:20pm Clean Up

12:20pm – 12:30pm Bathroom/ Wash

12:30pm – 1:00pm Lunch

1:00pm – 1:10pm Clean up

1:10pm – 2:00 pm Nap Routine

2:00pm – 3:00pm Nap/Rest

3:00pm – 3:30pm Wake Up/ Pack Up

3:30pm – 3:50pm Snack

3:50pm – 5:30pm Pickup/Outside Time

  Please refer to individual schedules for more information